If you are buying a house in Lethbridge and area, your insurance company will have many questions about the house, and the condition. It is very difficult/ impossible/expensive to get insurance on a home with knob and tube wiring, a 60 amp panel, gravity furnace, poly-b and lead pipes. So those are things that you need to consider carefully when you are buying. When you are getting your insurance, here are a few questions the insurance company might ask you.
- ROOF: How old is the roof?
- HOT WATER TANK: How old is it? Is it a standard tank or hot water on demand?
- FURNACE: How old is it? Is it natural gas?
- WIRING/ ELECTRICAL: Is it copper wiring? Is it 100amps?
- SUMP PUMP: Is there a sump pump? How old is it? Is there a battery backup or alarm?
- BACKFLOW VALVE: Is there a backflow valve? How old is it?
When you have your home inspection done, it’s a good idea to ask the Lethbridge Home Inspector for the answers to these questions, and of course get your LETHBRIDGE REALTOR® to ask the seller’s representative.