Viewlethbridge.com is one of the highest-ranking REALTOR® websites in Southern Alberta.
On average, our page has 52,000 users a year! (Between February 28, 2022, and February 28, 2023)
There are a lot of Lethbridge REALTORs® with awesome-looking websites, but they may not have the traffic that viewlethbridge.com has. Get your property listed with us, and it will be on our teamviewlethbridge.com listings page! If you are interviewing REALTORS® to sell your home in Lethbridge, ask them how many views their webpage receives per month.
Of course, we also promote all of our listings on our Facebook pages as well.
Justin Myer, Lethbridge Real Estate info
Team Viewlethbridge, Lethbridge’s Top Producing Real Estate Team
Other ways we promote our listings include professional photography, aerial photography, and virtual tours.