One of the worst things that can happen in a Real Estate Deal is that there is a conditional offer on the home, and the deal falls apart at the last minute because of a few items on a home inspection. Sometimes these are issues that can be easily fixed like a leaky tap, dirty furnace filter, perhaps a few electrical issues. Sellers can decide to get a pre-inspection so they know what they are up against. A pre-inspection gives sellers a chance to fix the small items that come up before a buyer takes a look, and if there are larger items, you can address them in initial negotiations, (not at the last minute).
Of course, it is usually the responsibility of the buyer to arrange and pay for their own inspection. However, when a buyer sees that there is already a pre-inspection available, that gives them more confidence in the home, because the buyer knows as well there will be no surprises.
Here is the list of local home inspectors in Lethbridge.