Are you thinking of buying or selling a home with a pool in Lethbridge?

BUYING A HOME WITH A POOL: There are many homes in Lethbridge with pools, some indoor and some outdoor. Lethbridge enjoys great sunshine in the summer, and outdoor pools run from May to September. Putting in a pool can be very expensive. Depending on what type of pool you want, how deep you want to make it, and whether it is indoor or outdoor. If you would really like a pool, it’s a good idea to look for a home that already has one. We may have the one that you are looking for.
Selling your home with a pool in Lethbridge: Do you need to sell your home with a pool in Lethbridge? Justin has a pool in his own Lethbridge home and knows about maintenance and value. Our team has worked with homes with pools before, and we know how to market your home to potential buyers. They are out there! Call or Text Justin or on his cell at 403-894-6937 or email him at

We also have a home with a beautiful indoor pool in South Lethbridge. 425 Arbourwood Terrace S
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